Thursday, December 2, 2010

Are Sermons Really Christ-Centered?

1. Reverend Borghardt use the word "Christ" a total of 24 times. Some verbs uses to reveal what Christ does: makes holy, slain, took your sins, died for you, lives again, died, rose, makes us alive, does not push away, smiles, reigns on the throne, and lives with.

The themes of Reverend Borghardt and Thomas Edwards’ sermons contrast heavily when compared. Bordhardt’s sermon had a slightly uneven balance of Law and Gospel, but the Gospel was preached primarily in his sermon. Edward’s sermon was almost completely law and mentioned Christ few times, leaving the listener with little to no hope. Borghardt was able to tell the congregation that they were sinful and could do nothing to follow the Law completely, but his heavy use of the Gospel gave the reassurance of Christ. Edwards, on the other hand, condemned his congregation and gave them almost no hope in Christ.


  1. I like how "the heavy use of the gospel gave the reassurance of Christ". Very inspiring

  2. i like the gospel vs. law comparisons for the sermons
